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Spark: Jobs and Stages

Spark is an open source scalable engine to process your data, whether in batches or real-time streaming.

In order to optimize performance and resource usage, you have to understand how Spark processes your data and more specifically how it splits its work into jobs and stages.


Example: Write Job

Step Method Operation
1 Read Narrow transformation
2 Filter Narrow transformation
3 Map Narrow transformation
4 GroupBy Wide transformation
5 Filter Narrow transformation
6 Map Narrow transformation
7 Write Action

Step 4 is a stage boundary: a new stage is created to process all remaining Steps (5, 6, 7).

The synchronization between Tasks is done with a shuffle operation (i.e. data is moved between executors).

Hence, the Write job will be broken down into two stages:

Stage 1

Step Method
1 Read
2 Filter
3 Map
4a GroupBy 1/2
4b shuffle write

Step 4 is a stage boundary: all the Tasks must synchronize (i.e. all partitions must complete Stage 1 before continuing to Stage 2).

Stage 2

Step Method
4c shuffle read
4d GroupBy 2/2
5 Filter
6 Map
7 Write

In more details:

Spark jobs and stages - step 1

Four slots have been reserved for the Spark application. The file to read is split into 6 partitions (P1 to P6).

In Stage 1, Spark will create a pipeline of transformations in which the data is read into RAM (Step 1), and then perform Steps 2, 3, 4a and 4b on each partition.

Spark jobs and stages - step 2

All four slots read a partition of the data into RAM (Step 1).

Spark jobs and stages - step 3

Some partitions are quicker to process than others, a slot can performs next steps in Stage 1 for this partition without waiting for other partitions.

Spark jobs and stages - step 4

Step 4 is a stage boundary, all slots at this step (Slot 2, 3 and 4) must write shuffle data for this partition (Step 4b).

Spark jobs and stages - step 5

Then process another partition (Slot 2 and 3 now process partitions P5 and P6, Slot 4 is still writing shuffle data for P4).

Spark jobs and stages - step 6

Notice that Slot 1 and Slot 4 are not working, they cannot be assigned a new Task as long as Stage 1 is not finished.

When partitions P1 to P6 have finished Step 4b (i.e. they have finished writing their shuffle files), Stage 1 is finished and Stage 2 begins.

In Stage 2, Spark will create a pipeline of transformations in which the shuffle files are read into RAM (Step 4c), and then perform Steps 4d, 5, 6 and 7 on each partition.

Spark jobs and stages - step 7

All four slots read shuffle files into RAM (Step 4c).

And so on…

Spark jobs and stages - DAG

Building a house (the job) analogy

Then each stage can be broken down into several operations, e.g. for the first stage:

Each operation in each stage is handled by tasks which can be done independently (i.e. you can start pouring the concrete in one trench even if other trenches are still being dug).

However, you have to wait for all first stage tasks to be finished before starting to erect the walls.

A few final words

Understanding how Spark works under the hood will be a great help in diagnosing problems and/or performance issues.

About the author

Christophe Préaud is data architect at Verkor.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn.